
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Dragon Play

The Giraffes reading group - George the Dragon, Ethan the King, Moh the Frog, Christine the Princess and Balroz - Sir Tim presented a play called 'The Dragon' at Junior Assembly. Lucia-Belle introduced the group explaining that their learning intention was to read with expression. All of Room 3 agreed that the Giraffes achieved their success criteria because they used different voices to make the play interesting for others to listen to. Well done Giraffes you were amazing!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Inquiry Learning about Orangutans

Mrs Munro came back to Room 3 this term to teach us about orangutans through inquiry learning. First she read us a story about a little orangutan baby. Next we had to write down a question about something we wanted to learn about orangutans. On the next day we learnt about key words, contents pages and index's. We had lots of books to help us to find information that would help to answer our questions. We worked in threes and wrote some of the information that we found on our sheets. On the next day we went onto 'Key Note' to start our own slideshows. We had to make a cover page and then find a picture on google that went with our story. After that we typed up our information. We learnt a lot about orangutans. Thank you Mrs Munro.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

NZ All White Supporters

White clothes, soccer balls, silver ferns, tattoos, soccer uniforms and flags. All the things we could think of to support the All Whites.

Soccer Mania!

George, Ethan, Nicholas, Amanda and Lucia-Belle demonstrate their fantastic soccer skills!

Clifford the Big Red Dog Visited Point View School

The day Clifford the Big Red Dog visited Point View School the paparazzi just
couldn't stay away! Clifford took no time at all to overcome his shyness and amazingly posed for the media at every opportunity.

The Big Red Dog caused hysteria the moment he entered classrooms. When he bounced into Room 3 he was greeted by 27 noisy, cheering young fans causing a crowd surge. Thankfully he was quickly surrounded by security who keep a watchful eye on him. A book reading session enticed his fans to quieten down. After which, he signed autographs and once again happily posed for photographs.

To find out the scoop on Point View's hottest celebrity, the latest inside gossip and what he had to say about his whirlwind tour, pick up one of the featured magazines today. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Museum Trip

The Museum Trip

I went in the bus and it was fun. Then I went inside the museum to have a look. First at the museum I saw a dinosaur fossil bone. Next I saw a tree and I went around the tree and I went inside the tree and I climbed up the ladder and I saw a monkey inside the tree. Then I walked around the museum. After that I went inside the blue section. What was inside there? There was a shark inside there and there were fish too. Then I saw a soldier. I saw a volcano. Then I went to the bus. The bus took me back to school. I like the museum because it is cool but not beautiful. Why? Because is supposed to be cool because it is big and lots of fun.
By Denny Yr1

First we went to the bus and we screamed all the way till Mrs Laburn said stop talking so loud because she was going to get a headache. Then we got to the museum. Then we went to Paul’s room to find out about fossils. I liked the T-Rex the best.
By Jonathan Yr1

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What is a fossil?
It is a type of remains. A dinosaur lived millions and millions of years ago and they are really old. There are many types of fossils. Plant fossils, animal fossils and trace fossils.
By Kimberly Yr1

The Museum Trip
I went on the bus and then I hopped off the bus and then I went to see Paul. Then I walked around the museum. We went to see the dinosaurs standing in the museum. I like the museum because of the dinosaurs.
By Flynn Yr1

Going to the Museum
We went from our classroom and we went on the bus. Then we got to find a seat. Then the bus drove to the museum. Paul showed us a fossil. Then we went to eat our morning tea. Then we went to put our bags in the cage. Then we went to look around the museum. Next we went to the bus. We were going back to our classroom.
By Henry Yr1

Dear Mrs Galloway
Thank you for looking after the children.
I really liked the plane we went  to.
My favourite part was to see the dinosaur
From Christine Yr1

Dear Paul
Thank you for coming on our trip.
I really liked the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are the best.
I saw a T-Rex and we saw another dinosaur. We had fun 
and we really liked the war section too.
From Steven Yr1

Dear Miss Patterson
Thank you for taking us to the museum.
I really liked the moa egg... it was big!
My favourite part was seeing the dinosaurs.
From Hayley Yr2

Dear Dad
Thank you for coming to the museum trip
last Friday. I really liked the war section
because there were interesting things.
My favourite section was the village.
Love from Lauryn Yr1

Friday, June 11, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Inquiry Learning

Mrs Munro came to Room 3 for inquiry learning on frogs.
We thought that we knew a lot about frogs because we have two in our classroom.
Here is some information that we learnt. Frogs have a sticky tongue that flicks out to catch the food. We found out that frogs don't chew their food they just swallow it whole. They use their eyes to help them swallow their food. They have webbed feet for swimming and suction disks on their toes to help them climb.
Here's Lauryn and Lucia-Belle busy typing up the information they learnt about frogs using pages.