
Monday, August 23, 2010

Ambury Farm

On Wednesday Room 3 went to Ambury Farm by bus. Then we went to a room that smelt bad. We didn't sit on the floor, we got to sit on mats. Next we went to the milking shed and a lady told us all about cows. She got a cow and her name was Rosie and she tickled the cow. She rubbed Rosie and put the milking cup over the cows teat on her udder. It sucked the udder. The cow stomped her feet and the milk came out. After that we went to the shearing shed. Another lady had to shear the sheep's bottom. She said that flies eat poo. If the flies lay eggs and the baby fly hatches then the baby flies will eat the sheep's skin and the sheep will die. She made the sheep stand up and then the sheep went down the shoot to the other sheep. We went to lamb feeding and patted a horse and then to chicken feeding. The goat tickled me when I fed him. I liked feeding the goat.
By Christine 

Pooey! Ambury Farm is stinky. BUT..... there are cute animals and there are also baby lambs and I took so many photos of animals. We went to see the cows. One cow was doing poos. My best part was that Steven got poo on his hands.
By Sophie

Room 3 went to Ambury Farm. There was a big cow. Don't step on me! It was very big. I don't want to get squashed! Then we saw the sheep getting shorn and then we went for a little walk. We fed lots of animals. First we met a sheep and then we met a horse called Belle-Donna. She was very big because she is a clydesdale horse. They pull big things. I took a photo of the horse. Next we saw a goat and we gave him some food. Next we met a turkey called 'Timmy the Turkey'. We all got to look at the pig called 'Charlotte the Pig'. Then we fed the cute little lambs. There were 13 lambs. After we saw bulls. Then we saw some rabbits and we saw the lambs again and we patted them. My favourite part was the cute lambs.
By George

On Wednesday Room 3 went to Ambury Farm and first we ate our morning tea. Room 3 saw some chickens and we fed the chickens and I fed the goat too! My favourite part was the chickens because the chickens bit me but it was just a tickle!
By Jonathan

On Wednesday I went to Ambury Farm with my classroom. There were rabbits and there were even baby lambs and I got to feed the lambs. I saw Meredith milking a cow. Finally it was lunchtime. After we saw Belle-Donna.... she's a horse! We fed some lambs and there were 13! Next we saw some chickens. My best part was looking at the bunny rabbits.
By Meah

On Wednesday Room 3 went on a bus. Then we arrived at Ambury Farm. First we ate our morning tea. Then we went to the milking shed. Then we saw the cows get milked. After that we fed the baby lambs. Then we fed Timmy the turkey. When we fed the chickens the white one hurt me. Then we fed the cows. At the end I had cow poo on my foot! I liked the baby lambs because they are cute!
By Joe 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ambury Farm Trip

We had a fabulous day on Wednesday 11th August. Here are a lot of photos that we would like to share with you. Still to come... podcasts, recounts, comic life and movies.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We are learning about dairy cows and their job on the farm.

  Click here to go to the dairy cow game  -  

We found this game very useful today.  It helped us to answer some of our inquiry learning questions. Have fun while learning!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ambury Farm Trip - 11th August

Children will need to bring morning tea, lunch (no lunch orders) and water for drinking. 
As this an ARC park we are asked to have ‘litterless lunches.’  
Children need to wear old clothes. They must have closed in footwear.  Gumboots would be ideal if children 
have them but not essential.  
If the weather is not too wet children will be walking 
around the farm so we advise a warm jacket preferably shower-proof. 
Please complete the permission slip if you have not already done so.

THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER - Senior School Production

The senior school production this year takes us back to Narnia in 
'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Journey aboard a magical tall ship through Narnia, meeting creatures from different lands and cultures inspired by the cultural diversity of Point View School. The Pevensie children are back, along with Bollywood dances, traditional Chinese Lion dance, Kapa Haka performances and even the great English contribution to culture....'Only Fools and Horses.'

Dates : Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th August
Time : 7.00pm to approx 8.45pm
Price : $5 regardless of age

These tickets are limited so please purchase early. On sale in the library before and after school.