
Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Christchurch Earthquake

On Friday three Year 5's from Room 25, Hannah, Isabelle and Jennifer came to Room 3 to share the slideshow that they had made about the Christchurch earthquake. We were very interested because there has been a lot about Christchurch's earthquake in the news! After we watched the slideshow we showed the girls what we had learnt to do if an earthquake strikes in Auckland.
                                                 DROP, COVER, HOLD! 
When  Mrs L shouted 'EARTHQUAKE' we dropped and made our way quickly under our tables and held tight onto the table legs. The girls were very impressed with us!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

During this term the Juniors have been discovering people and places.
We have been learning that people have different roles and responsibilities in their work.
We have learnt about the different kinds of jobs that people do.
It’s amazing how many jobs you can choose from.

This morning the Juniors were all grown up and dressed
ready for their careers!
What a fabulous day we had. Career dress-up day was so much fun.

Lucia-Belle and Duraiz from Room 3 were the presenters of the parade.
What an awesome job they did announcing each class as they came onto the stage.

And not only were the children dressed up but the teachers all came dressed up too!
Mrs Laburn was an Orangutan Rescuer!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sophie and George reciting their poems for Room 3

Congratulations to Sophie.
  2nd place in the Year 1 Poetry Recital.


Congratulations to George. 
 2nd place in the Year 2 Poetry Recital.

Room 3 children are very proud of the both of you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today we had a big practise writing the lowercase k because a lot of children in room 3 where still forming it incorrectly. We agreed that we would know when we had achieved our success criteria when when had put our pencil at the top, went down, down to the bottom, back up half way, formed a backward c and kicked out. Our learning intention was to concentrate on the correct formation. We practised and practised on our whiteboards. Then we self assessed and ticked which k we thought was the best one we had written to achieve our success criteria. 
We hope we don't forget to form k correctly when we write our stories.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

When I Grow Up......

We have been learning about the different kinds of jobs that people do. We talked with our parents about their jobs, what they wear, how long they are at work for and even the things that they like and dislike about their jobs. We had sharing time and found out that some of our parents have very interesting jobs!
Then we had to have a think about what job we would like to do when we grow up.
It's amazing how many jobs you can choose from. Here we are..... all grown up and in our jobs!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Poetry Recitals

Congratulations to George Year 2 and Sophie Year 1 for being selected to participate in the Poetry Recital to be held on the 9th September at 1.40 in the hall. All parents are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there!