
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Certificate of Merit

Point View School
Certificate of Merit

Last week's Certificate of Merit went to Sienna. 
Congratulations Sienna! 
Sienna's certificate is for 'Care and conscientiousness in her school work.'

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TravelWise Week Certificate Recipients

Congratulations to Kairyn, Joshua, Neeve, Aryaan, Krishant, Gina, Benny, Sienna, Rohan, Mallika, Orlando and Alvin who received a certificate for participating in TravelWise week. They helped the environment by walking to school. Well done!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Point View School 
Certificate of Merit

Congratulations to Kairyn for receiving this weeks Certificate of Merit.  Kairyn received his certificate for making sensible choices with his behaviour in the classroom. Way to go Kairyn!

Working bee will make a difference

Point View school is having a make over! 
The Botany Life Community Trust supported by the Botany Life Community Church is holding its seventh annual working bee weekend on April 9 and 10. Each year they donate labour and materials to a local organisation to help with renovation projects. This year volunteers will transform Point View school. This is a massive landscaping project that will take place in the space of a weekend.
Can you come along and help at the working bee?
Go to to sign up to help over the weekend.
For more information go to

Watch Mr van Wijk talk about the project.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rockup - NZ's Premier Team Activities at Point View School

Are you up for the CHALLENGE?
ROCKUP TEAM DAY at Point View School 
Thursday 24th March 

Comfortable closed running shoes/sneakers
(NO jandals, sandals)

Shorts, tracksuit or jeans & T-Shirts  
(NO skirts or dresses)

Water drink bottleSunscreen lotion & hat
Packed morning tea and lunch

A Great Attitude and TEAM Spirit.

ROCKUP day will not be cancelled in the event of wet weather. 
We will use the hall and ROCKUP wet weather covers.
Bring a raincoat if necessary.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Have you been practising your blends Room 3?

Butterfly Stories

Jack's published story about the butterfly life cycle.

Point View School Certificate of Merit

Point View School 
Certificate of Merit

Doesn't Kevin look proud in this photo! Kevin received his certificate at assembly on Friday last week for 'Working hard to learn alphabet sounds and new words.'
Congratulations Kevin and well done you  worked very hard to achieve this.
I wonder who will receive this week's certificate? 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Room Ten at Wairakei School in Christchurch

Room 3 were so worried for the people in Christchurch after the earthquake. We were especially worried for all the children. 
Last week we wrote some comments and questions to some very brave Year 1/2 'Super Kids' from Wairakei School in Christchurch.

On Monday we received a great surprise! 
The children replied to our questions. 

Check out  Room 10's blog at.....

Here are our shared questions and answers

Icky, Icky Insects by Silly Bus

A fun way to learn about insects and at the same time sing along.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

As part of our Integrated Unit on 'Mini Beasts' Room 3 will be studying The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Check out this fun movie.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I cannot believe I forgot to take a photo of the children in Room 3 all dressed in red and black for our Christchurch Appeal Day!! 
They looked amazing and were very generous with their gold coins. 
Thank you everyone!! 
Here's a photo taken at Friday mornings assembly that appeared in the NZHerald thanks to Mr Rankin.
And yay! We raised $3,333.

Earthquake Stories 

I saw people were scared on the roads. I saw it on TV. By Aum

The trees fell down and broke the houses. The earthquake was in Christchurch. By Benny

I saw on TV that there was an earthquake in Christchurch. By Aryaan

In Christchurch there was a big earthquake! The church was crashing down. Hundred's of people are still trapped! By Sienna

73 people from Australia came to help rescue the people. I saw the earthquake. I think it is very scary. The earthquake was in Christchurch. I saw the earthquake on TV. By Gina

The roads are broken and cracked. By Alvin

Messages from some children at Point View School

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What to do in an Earthquake

We had our first earthquake practice today. 
What a great job we did. 
No one screamed, laughed, ran around the room or went crazy. 
We quickly dropped, got under our tables and held on.