
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

'Get your food nude, Dude!'

At Point View School we are worried by the amount of waste in rubbish bins around the school.
It is our aim to make our school as waste free as possible.
In Room 3 we are really keen to protect our environment so we try do this by leaving all our 
muesli wrappers, chip packets, gladwrap etc at home. Look at our photos all our food is packed
into re-usable containers - not a piece of rubbish in sight!
Well done Room 3 - you are true 'Nude Food Dudes!


  1. hi mrs laburn and room 3

    what a great idea about keeping the school clean

    keep us posted on how your going

    Tom sis room 29

  2. Hi Tom ... nice to hear from you!!

  3. Well done Room 3, you are very good green kiwis.

  4. You are "Nude Food" Stars, Room 3 and Mrs Laburn!!! We are very proud of you! Thanks for being Tai's friend and for helping to keep our school looking so clean, green and pristine!

    All of us in Room 5.

  5. How wonderful to have the whole school nude.I'd call the school a nude dude school!

  6. Mrs Laburn05 July, 2011

    Great comment Gina ... but I think you meant to say ... 'Nude FOOD school'.

  7. Thats really cool trying to make your school a waste free school . Thats really neat of you's trying to help the environment by not bringing glad wrap and chip packets to school . Room 3 should be proud of them selves.
