
Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is a Blog?

Gina - 5 years old, explains in her words what a blog is.

Room 3 children can you please 
add a comment explaining what you think a blog is.
You can use Voice Memo on the ipods to record your answer.
Please email it to me when you have finished your recording.

You can also find Gina's video on the Comments4kids blog.
Comments for kids is a way for students and teachers to find blogs to comment on to get their own posts commented on.

We think this is a great honour - well done Gina!


  1. Gina you have spoken so clearly on the voicethread and you have explained what a blog is all about. Fantastic!
    Prep S and Prep K have made a Tagxedo to show you what we think a blog is. The Preps came up with so many words to describe what a blog is to them.
    From Prep S and Prep K

  2. Wow! Gina I am so impressed with how clearly and beautifully you speak. Well done. You have made understanding a blog very simple for me, with a helpful description. I can't wait to show the Rockets your clip.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    From Miss Revell and the Rockets

  3. Wow Gina! We think you were very confident when you were sharing your ideas about blogs and why we have them. You helped us to think about why we have a class blog and how it helps us to learn. We love visiting 'Kids with a View' to see all the wonderful things you do at school. Thanks for sharing.
    Prep S and Prep K

  4. Gina, I really like your video explaining what a blog is. I would like to put it on the blog so others can watch it and learn from you. Would that be alright? If it is, have your teacher email me:

    Mr. C

  5. Hi Gina
    We liked listening to your ideas about blogs. Your clear speaking helped us to think about our ideas about blogs too. Thank you for helping us with our learning. You are only 5 and you are already a teacher. Do you have any ideas about other videos you would like to make? From Room 3 and Mrs Nelson

  6. Keira Prep S23 September, 2011

    Hi Gina,
    You talked clearly about what a blog is. My mum and I enjoyed listening to it.
    Keira Prep S

  7. Many thanks for posting this, It?s simply what I was researching for on bing. I?d quite a bit relatively hear opinions from a person, barely than an organization web web page, that?s why I like blogs so significantly. Many thanks!

  8. Thank you everybody for the kind things that you said about my video.
    From Gina

  9. Hey Gina i could hear you very well,You are so good at explaining what blog is about.

  10. Hi Gina, you did such a great job on your video. You spoke clearly and I was able to hear everything that you said. I also agree that a blog is great for showing people what you have learned. A blog is also good for learning new things and meeting new people.

    The only thing that I saw that you could work on is looking at the camera. Other than that everything was great.

    Fill free to view my blog and view my comments about this post.

  11. Gina,
    My name is Angela Pitts. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I just started blogging in August. Thank you so much for telling me about blogs. Everything that you have said has been so helpful.

  12. Thank you Gina and very well done! My name is Eric Manheim and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I am just now getting involved in blogging myself and a lot of my friends ask me what it is. I will have them watch your video on what a blog is because the way you explained it is the best and most direct way I have heard so far. Great job Gina and keep making your useful videos for others.

  13. Hi Gina, my name is Patricia Radford and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I loved your video and though you did a really great job. You explained what a blog is very well.

  14. Hello Gina,
    My name is Christopher Reindl and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I just watched your video and I really enjoyed it. You did a very good job of describing what a blog is. A blog is a very handy tool and a great way to share your feelings with everyone worldwide. I look forward to reading more on your blog.
    Christopher Reindl

  15. Hi Christopher and Angela

    We are on holiday for 2 weeks at the moment but I am sure Gina would love to reply to your comment when we are back at school. What I liked about Gina's video clip was that it was so impromptu, unplanned and precisely to the point. Sometimes as adults we miss the point and think it is important and necessary to add a lot of unnecissary information. We were also especially proud that comments4kids have added her clip to their official blog.
    Happy blogging.
