
Monday, October 31, 2011

More Exciting News

Kids with a view entered this Adidas competition with two of our
 'Walking RWC Picture Frames' and a haka video.
We have had confirmation that we are one of the 30 finalists.
Watch this space for an update in the next couple of days!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Diwali

We are learning about the Indian Festival of Lights - Diwali

In India, one of the most significant festivals is Diwali, or the Festival of Lights. 
It's a five-day celebration that includes good food, fireworks, colored sand, and special candles and lamps.
Soon we will add our Rangoli patterns that we made.

Do you celebrate Diwali?
Please share with us what your family traditions are.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Congratulations All Blacks

Congratulations to the Mighty All Blacks
World Champions
Winners of the 2011 Rugby World Cup 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mrs Laburn meets the All Blacks!

Yesterday five All Blacks Aaron Cruden, Adam Thompson, Victor Vito, Hosea Gear 
and John Afoa met up with some lucky prize winners (including Mrs Laburn)
for a meet and greet session at the Backing Black HQ.

Tonight it's game on!
We will be Backing Black more than ever.
Rugby World Cup 2011 Final
New Zealand vs France

Go the Mighty All Blacks from Room 3!

Have you met an All Black before?
Please tell us about it.

Friday, October 21, 2011

True RWC 2011 Sportsmanship

Our quadblogging friends from Australia made us a welcome back video.
How special is that!
It really is awesome!
They even give the ALL BLACKS a shout out!
You will also hear them sing the great Aussie song - Gidday.

Our friends in Australia show the spirit of true sportsmanship.

After you have watched this video Room 3
 please go to Prep S and Prep K's blogs and 
leave them some awesome comments.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kids with a View haka appearance

The Adidas PR team have told us that Room 3's haka video is to appear
 in this 20m projection spectacular tonight!
The projection is playing before, during and after the semi-final All Blacks vs Australia game tonight.
Fingers crossed.

Semi Finals - All Blacks vs Australia

Tonight the All Blacks face one of their toughest matches of the 
Rugby World Cup against Australia.
Go the Mighty All Blacks!
We are proud of you!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

RWC 2011 Semi Finals

France vs Wales
Which team do you think Sienna and Alvin are hoping will win?
Who are you supporting in the semi finals tonight?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Australian Quadblogging Buddies

Action - Reuse and Reduce!

By our Quadblogging buddies at
St Lukes School in Melbourne, Australia

During Inquiry Learning Prep S and Prep K learnt about reusing products and recycling to reduce landfill. They discovered a problem at their school - they use too much paper. So they worked through a Problem Solving Strategy to decide what they could do to change the way they use paper at St. Luke's. After much discussion and considering the pros and cons of all ideas, the Preps decided to make a video about how they could stop using too much paper. Together they wrote a script - practised their lines and made props to make their video.
They want all classes to put this video on their blogs to share this very important message. 
What will you do today to stop using so much paper?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Carrollton, Kentucky

Where is Carrollton, Kentucky USA?
Mrs England's Kindergarten has posted some information about Carrollton on their blog. 
We also found some photos from gambleg42's photostream on Flickr.
It looks like such a pretty place.

Here are some websites Mrs England has recommended we visit to find out more about Carrollton.
 Carrollton is right on the point where two rivers meet - the Ohio River and the Kentucky River.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Results of our NZ Flag Debate

The NZ Flag Debate
For over a decade there has been a debate in NZ on whether or not New Zealand should change their flag to represent who they are.
Room 3 decided to see whether there is a huge opinion for change or whether people are still proud of the flag we fly today.
We came up with this idea because some of the flags of the countries in the RWC 2011 have easily identifiable flags like Japan, Canada, USA, Argentina, Wales and South Africa.
Should NZ have a flag that represents who we are and is easily identified around the world?
Arguments for the silver fern
The NZ flag is too similar to the Australian flag.
It is easily identified as a symbol or emblem of New Zealand.
New Zealanders’ are very proud of it.

Arguments for the NZ flag
The national flag has represented NZ for over 150 years.
The national flag represents New Zealand's history of the country as a part of the British Empire and location in the southern hemisphere.
Generations of New Zealanders have fought and died under it.

The results of our survey
We stopped the poll at 200 votes.
52% preferred the present NZ flag
48% preferred the silver fern flag.

What does this tell us?
We think New Zealand is not quite ready for a flag change.
After some discussion the children in Room 3 think we should just have two flags to represent New Zealand!

I like the New Zealand flag because...

I  like  the  blue flag because it has meaning it is part of New Zealand. There is also a Maori flag it is black and red and white. The countries that can see the Southern Cross are in the Southern Hemisphere. Two countries in the Southern Hemisphere are Australia and NZ.  By Aryaan

I chose the blue flag because I like stars and it has meaning. It has red inside the stars and it has white
around the stars. The stars represent the Southern Cross. By Tiffanny

I like the NZ flag because the blue colour is cool and I live in NZ. I like the blue flag because the blue means truth and loyalty and it is the ocean colour. by kairyn.

I like the blue flag because the white bit means peace and honesty and the stars represent the southern cross. The Union Jack means the British rule. There are four stars that are red. The red means hardiness bravery, strength, and valour. Blue represents the ocean. By Aum

I like the blue flag because there is four stars and it has a blue colour which means truth and loyality. The red colour means strength and bravery. The white colour means peace and honesty. The stars represent the Southern Cross. The countries in the southern hemisphere can see it. The Union Jack means we belong to the commonwealth. By Dykie

I like the New Zealand flag because I was born in NZ and the flag has meaning. It is what NZ means and blue means vigilance, that means paying attention, truth and loyalty, perseverance and justice. Did you know that only Southern Cross countries can see the stars. By Orlando

I like the blue flag. I like the NZ flag because it has the Union Jack on it. The Union Jack means we belong to the Commonwealth. The white means peace and honesty. Red is for bravery and strength. The NZ flag has four stars. By Kevin

I like the blue flag because it's got the Southern Cross on it. Blue stands for truth and loyalty and perseverance. That means don't stop, don't give up. By Mallika

I like the NZ flag because I like red stars. The blue flag is cool. I was born in NZ. The NZ flag has four stars on it. But I like the All Black flag too. By Alvin

I like the silver fern flag because...

I like the black flag because it is black and white. White means peace and honesty. The silver fern comes from the leaf of the New Zealand fern. By Zana

I like the silver fern flag because it has been done beautifully and I like how it has been curved. I like how it has All Blacks at the bottom of it. By Bradie

I like the black flag because I like the Silver Fern. The silver is on one side of the leaf green and other side is silver.The silver fern is worn on the All Black rugby jersey. I love the All Blacks. By Joshua

I like the black flag because I like the silver fern. The silver fern leaf has one green and one silver side. There are 190 different silver fern plants. The silver fern comes from the leaf of the New Zealand fern. Ponga is the Maori name. The All Blacks uniform and other sports uniforms have the silver fern on them. New Zealand is proud of the silver fern. By Sienna

I like the black flag because it has meaning. The silver fern symbol comes from the leaf of the NZ fern. The silver fern is a plant and one side of the leaf is green and the other side is silver. Ponga is the Maori name. There are a lot of different ferns. The silver fern is a national symbol that represents New Zealanders. By Jacey

I like the black flag because it has New Zealand printed on it. It has a silver fern on it. There are 109 types of ferns in NZ. The All Blacks wear the silver fern on their All Black jersey. That makes them proud. By Rohan

I like the black flag because it has a silver fern on it and it is different to Australia's flag. Their flag is like ours but it has 6 white stars on it. By Neeve

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

BackingBlack - The All Black's Haka

Go the mighty All Blacks!

The Haka is a generic term for Maori dance, the whole body should speak.
The boys in Room 3 practised and practised the haka.
They tried really hard to put in as much effort as possible and express the full meaning of the haka.
The girls  are very passionate All Black supporters.

For information including the origin of the haka visit  - 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Our buddies at Bailey Rd School

On Wednesday 5th October 10 children from Kids with aView travelled to
visit the Year 8's in Room 13 at Bailey Road School in Mt Wellington.
Room 8 are our blogging buddies.  Even though they are much older than us they enjoy
visiting our blog and leaving us some awesomely written comments.
The Room 3 children weren't even feeling nervous
about finally meeting their blogging buddies they were just very excited!



The Room 13 buddies were amazing so welcoming, helpful and patient.
We all looked at each others blogs, made some comments and got to know each other.
The interaction were wonderful moments to watch.
We were also introduced to some more new buddies - Room 2 a Year 1 class.
Now we had 3 new buddies each!
At morning teatime all the children shared a yummy morning tea and went
off to play on the playground.
After morning tea the Bailey Road buddies showed us around their
art exhibition - it was artrageous!
There are so many talented children at Bailey Road.

Thank you so much for our enjoyable visit.

For some more awesome photos of our day click this link

Monday, October 3, 2011

Jigsaw Puzzle for our Quadblogging Friends

 Hi Quadblogging friends - 
we have added a jigsaw puzzle for you to do. 
When you have finished the puzzle can you please ask us some questions about the photos and we will answer them for you.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Poetry Recital - Year 1 Winners

The criteria for our Poetry Recital
* Immediately captures your attention
* Voice clarity/pace
* Volume
* Posture/eye contact
* Personality/enthusiasm

Here is Krishant reciting "STEVE THE SUPERHERO"
Krishant was placed second in the Year 1 Poetry Recitals.
Congratulations Krishant - Amazing job!

Here is Sienna reciting "WORMS"
Sienna was placed third in the Year 1 Poetry Recitals.
Congratulations Sienna - Awesome job!