
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 
from Room 3 - Kids with a view
What a fantastic learning journey we have had this year.
Thank you to all our visitors and to all the people that have left us comments.
We really do appreciate your support.
Most of the Room 3 children will be back next year ready to take on another year with Mrs Laburn 
only this time we will be Year 2's!
We will be welcoming Robbie, Nicholas, Nico and George to our class.

Thank you to our special Quadblogging friends 
We Love Learning - Prep S
Learning Together - Prep K
Stoke Bishop School
Kathryn Wynn School
We think you are all awesome friends - see you next year!

And a special thank you to our NZ buddies

The Rockets 
Hamilton East School - Room 14
Bailey Road School - Room 14
Point View School - Room 14
(wow look at all the Room 14's)

Have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Blog Awards - Hamilton East School

Look! - Room 14 at Hamilton East School 
held their very own blog awards.
We were very lucky to be nominated.
Thank you Room 14 for the nominations.
We hope you had fun selecting your favourite blogs.
Check out their blog to see who won the categories.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fabulous Christmas Wiki

Check out this Christmas wiki full of fun learning games and activities

Maths, Reading, Jigsaws, Crafts, Movies, 
Songs and much more

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Voting Best Class Blog - Edublog Awards

Please vote for our class blog 

Click on the link below
Best class blog 2011 | The Edublog Awards
Scroll down to where it says 'vote here'
Click on the arrows and scroll down to 'Best Class Blog' and click
Then next to 'Best Class Blog' click on the arrows and scroll down to 'Room 3's Class Blog' and click
And then click vote.

Remember you can vote on your iphones too!

We do need your vote from home as we are only allow one vote per day from our school's IP address.
Thanks heaps
To vote for your favorite just choose the category from the drop down menu below you want to vote in, who you want to vote for and then click Vote.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The 2011 Edublog Awards

Thanks so much for the nomination Mrs Rivett we are so thrilled that you consider our
blog worthy of a nomination.

Please also vote for our friends in Room 14