
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pirates of the Caribbean - Clever Pirate Art

Before we started drawing our pirates we practised how to draw faces based on Stu Duval’s drawings.
We also learnt how to use our hands to measure the size of our heads.
And then we learned how to draw hats on peoples heads. They don’t just sit right on top of your head!
Then we were ready to go.
We got a buddy to trace around our hands and feet and then we added our heads, faces and a simple body.
Next we added all our pirate details.
And finally we created our pirate names.
Which is your favourite pirate?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Remembering Christchurch one year on

Point View School children stood in silence for 2 minutes today to remember the families of Christchurch
and those who lost their lives in the devastating Earthquake on 22 February 2011.
Kia kaha to the people of Christchurch 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Breakfast at School in our Pyjamas!

The Juniors are learning about RESPONSIBILITY. 
On Friday we came to school at 7.30am in our pyjamas. 
 Room 3 will be writing stories about what we learned about being responsible for ourselves
and the things that we did by ourselves in the morning before school started.
We will share these with you on our blog soon.

Have you ever been to school in your pyjamas?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ahoy thar me scallywags!

Here's a band o' pirates keen t' set sail 'n do some learnin'

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pirate Handprint Art

Here is a close up image of our pirate handprint art.
We got the idea from this website.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pirates Classroom Treaty

Kids with a view are integrating Pirates into their 
Term 1 learning about 
Responsibilities in our Colourful World.

They learnt why responsibilities, rules and agreements are in place and why they are important to follow. 
The children brainstormed ideas that would help each other to be in a happy, smoothy run classroom.
Everyone thought very carefully and 
came up with a lot of excellent ideas.
The word PIRATE was then used to form an acrostic treaty.
The children made pirate handprints 
in place of signing the treaty. 
This was to show commitment to respect,
agreement and a promise to work and learn together.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's 2012 - Look at who are year 2's now.

Kids with a view are ready for another 
exciting e-Learning  year. 
Welcome to Room 3 
Trinity, Nicco, George, Nicholas & Robbie.
Have we grown taller over the holidays?