
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Peter and the Pig

You must read this book - it is so funny!
It even comes with a warning - 
"This tale will make you laugh out loud"

Here is a book review by Maia and Jacey

When we read "Peter and the Pig" Mrs Laburn was laughing hard out.
She kind of had tears in her eyes and her face was red with laughing.
There was a pet shop owner and Peter the pirate.
Every time when the pet shop owner gets something for Peter, Peter doesn't need it.
One day Peter went to the Pet shop and he said "I don't have a parrot".
He asked the pet shop owner if she had any parrots.
She said, "I don't have any parrots".
She asked Peter if he would like a pig instead of an parrot.
The pet shop owner even gave Peter more things that he didn't need.
You will have to read the book to find out what happened.

"I thought it was really funny because pet shop owner sold Peter a popper scooper!!"
"He looked silly in the cat costume!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Using iPads in the classroom - Taronga Zoo

Gina and Aum showing us how to use the 
Taronga Zoo app in the classroom.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Westpac helicopter arrives at PVS

We also featured in the NZ Herald here is the link
NZ Herald News

At 10:00 am PVS went to see the Westpac helicopter land on PVS field. It was red and yellow. You wouldn't believe it there was an All Black on board. His name was Jerome Kaino. I have never seen a helicopter come to PVS. It landed on the field and it was really noisy!
By Neeve

Today the whole school went to the field to see the Westpac helicopter land down. The children were screaming to see Jerome Kaino. The color of the helicopter was red and yellow. It was noisy and windy.
By Maia

Today at 10:00 Room 3 went to see the Westpac helicopter. Jerome Kaino was in the Westpac helicopter. Some people war screaming. I was excited to see who was in the helicopter. It was Jerome Kaino he was wearing a red t-shirt. We were on the field. We heard the helicopter land on the field. It was loud. We sang "You can count on me" by Bruno Mars.
By Alvin

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anna's Amazing Learners - Hamilton East School

Last Friday Anna from Hamilton East School came to visit our classroom.
We were very excited because her class is one of our Quadblogging classes.
We showed Anna and Mrs Nagels how we use the iPads to learn.
They were very impressed with us!

Check out Anna's Amazing Learners blog to spot some photos of us in action.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Pirate Song - Do Matey Do

Room 3 read the big book - Do Wacky Do by Joy Cowley
A lot of the sentences in the book rhyme with the word "DO"
This inspired us to write our version of the book all about pirates.
First we brainstormed together to find as many words as we could that rhymed with "DO"
Then we wrote short sentences using a pirate theme.
Here is our story....
Do Matey Do
A story about 10 Hearty Pirates Sailing out to Sea.
Please let us know what you think....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Have you visited our Kidblogs lately?
We have recently written zoo trip recounts and 
 messages to our Mum's for Mother's Day.
Please ask your mum to read your kidblog writing and post a comment.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Animal Camouflage

Check out the hidden animal games on our class wiki
click on the Topic button

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quadblogging - Haworth Reception

Here are our quadblogging focus dates

This week is Haworth Reception
Here is their latest post 
Please visit their blog and leave them a comment