
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More Amazing Lorax Work

Room 11 have been learning about the environmental lessons taught in 'The Lorax" Story.
Some of the children bought their calendar art to show Room 3.
We think they are great and like the way they added their photo onto their art.
Thanks for showing us Room 11.
You can visit their class blog at 


  1. Nice calendars rm 11 I thought they were great rm11.By Orlando

  2. wow Room 11 those were great calendars that you made I think it is a good idea to put your photos on your calendar. Ashira

  3. Alvin and Bradie14 June, 2012

    I really liked your work because it is awesome! Do you no which one is my sister? She is second in the photo. We did some Lorax work in our classroom. Our work is the Lorax it is a photo about the Lorax saying I speak for the trees. We wrote some brainstorms then we wrote our brainstorm in our book.

  4. We have been boing Lorax work. We make some brain storm for our Lorax work then we rot our brain storm in our book.
