
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wenlock and Mandeville - London 2012 Mascots

The story of Wenlock and Mandeville

Wenlock and Mandeville pdf Book

Check out this online mascot colouring in page


  1. very interesting facts that I did not know about. Thanks Room 3

  2. Benny's Mum said:
    Thanks Room 3 for sharing the fantastic information. This is a great way to make the kids to know about the sports of the world. Keep going, room 3!

  3. Hi Room 3 and Mrs Laburn

    Thank you so much for your comment. We were so excited about seeing Wenlock and Mandeville on your blog.

    We spent most of the afternoon learning about them today! Some of us are fans of Wenlock, and some of us Mandeville.

    We love their features, but most of all we love their adventures! We got on a roll and watched all four films this afternoon!

    Nikki is so proud of her Aunty Helen helping the Olympic team. We are also very excited, and are looking forward to the opening ceremony. We have been really engaged in learning about the olympic symbols. We can't wait to see how they light the cauldron this year.

    We love following your blog to see what you have been up to on the iPads and pods!

    Catch up with you again soon.
    From Miss Revell, Marvin, and his Mindful Monkeys.

  4. Wenlock and Mandeville are cool because I like their adventures and where ever they go but I've only seen part 1 to part 4.

  5. The movie that we watched was super awesome.

  6. Morea kids with view
    Thank you for your comment On our blog.
    What do you like the most on the Olympics
    events? I like the running! Which Olympic event did you watch the most?

    From Tori
    Marvin's Mindful Monkeys

  7. Hello it is yazmin here what is your favourite mascot.

  8. Joshua's Grandad20 September, 2012

    I liked the bit when the fire meatel pieces the fell off the the stauidiam. That was awesome when Mandiville and wenlock came alive when a rainbow went to the window. By Joshua's Grandad

  9. Kia ora kids with a view
    Thank you for letting us watch wenlock and mandivlle.
    What are you going to put on your blog next?
    By Cole,Cora,Rieff and Joshua.

  10. This movie is so fun!

  11. I liked the Wenlock and Mandavile movie because they were cute and I like Mascots. By Mallika.
