
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I love my Grandparents because....

Our Annual Grandparents Day 
On Friday the 2nd of November Point View School had our very own annual Grandparents Day and in the morning, we skyped Robbie’s Grandparents and we skyped them from New Zealand all the way to Scotland. It takes 24 hours to get there! Robbie went to Room 4 and got his sister Jade and then his mum came and got some questions to ask their Grandparents. One of the questions were – What was your school like? So we got an answer and we moved on and we had morning tea and after that our Grandparents came and we had morning tea with our Grandparents and I went with Joshua he had two Grannys and two Poppas. Next Josh and I showed them around and we talked about what their school was like when they were at school. They brought some photos and then one Granny was saying she had hair like mine and then her teacher smacked her on the head and it was bleeding! Next we did a Jump Jam exercise for them and we did Folk dancing and the Grandparents joined in! After that we did some math games and Anya, Tiffanny, Zana, Alex and me did a fraction pizza game and I won! Next we played a different game. You play it like you have some cards and there is a sum and a question and you have to tell what you think the answer is and put it in and look at the answer. Then we had lunch and we had delicious lunch. After lunch we had a Grandparents day assembly.
By Gina

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