
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pirate Birthday Chart

We are learning to record tally marks, make a graph and ask questions about that graph.

Here we are holding cupcakes with the date of our birthday on it.
We used the birthdays in each month of the year to create a tally mark chart.
A tally chart is an easy way to collect information.
We used this information to draw graphs. 
Some of us were very clever and used
to create a graph.
Then we wrote questions for others to answers.
Can you answer the questions?


  1. Hi Kids with a View

    Wow! You look like very authentic pirates. You are super clever using Tally marks to show your birthdays. The iKids have been learning to use Tally marks too. They are so handy for counting things quickly!

    We are looking forward to seeing more of what you are exploring this term. We love following your blog.

    Thanks for sharing! Keep up the great blogging me hearties!

    Miss Revell and the Marvin's iKids

  2. Hi mrs laburn i miss you so much and i hope room 14 enjoyed there trip. By Mallika.

  3. Hi Mallika
    It's great to see you visiting the blog! Thanks for commenting. I miss you too! We had a great trip thanks how about you?
    From Mrs Laburn

  4. Ahoy there Miss Revell and iKids
    Thanks for commenting on the blog.
    We are looking forward to connecting with you throughout the year. Happy learning.
