
Friday, March 22, 2013

Marvin's last day at Point View School

Marvin finally had the chance to visit Mrs Parr our Principal today.
Enrico held Marvin as he was a little shy and nervous.
But true to Marvin style he wasn't shy for long.
Mrs Parr invited him into her office.
She loved his cheeky smile and couldn't resist a cuddle!
She even let him fill her shoes.
Marvin the school Principal 
He even wore Mrs Parr's glasses so he could see while working on her iPad.
And he loved her comfy, spinning chair!

Then it was time to say goodbye.
Thanks for visiting us Marvin.

Dear iKids
Thank you for sharing your precious mascot.
We had a fantastic time and had many, many fun learning opportunities.
We will miss him!
Keep in touch - love from Kids with a view.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Marvin loves the Vodafone Warriors

Marvin had another exciting fun filled weekend. 

On Friday he went to swimming lessons with George.

First he was a kind of shy...
so he watched George a little bit...
but then he put googles on...
and then he put googles and a swimming cap on...
and right before George's eyes he dived on in.
Can you see the photo of Marvin after he went swimming?
He loved his goggles and swimming cap so much he didn't want to take them off.
Later on George found him chatting to the receptionist!
You sure are friendly Marvin.

On Saturday night Marvin didn't know it 
but he was in for a big surprise!!

George took him to the 
Vodafone Warriors vs Roosters game at Eden Park.
Marvin couldn't believe his eyes! What a massive stadium!
By the end of the nigh Marvin, George and George's brother Max had no voices left.
They were screaming for Sonny Bill and the Roosters.
Did you watch the game on TV?
Who were you supporting?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Simoné's last day

Friday was Simoné's last day at Point View School 
as she is moving to Upper Hutt.
We will miss you lots Simoné. 
Best wishes for your learning journey at Plateau School.
Simoné's mum spoilt us by bring in pizza for our lunch. 
It was very yummy!
Can you see the card we made for Simoné?
Thanks Padme for a fantastic Marvin portrait.

Take a closer look at Marvin...
Can you see who he's holding?
It's little Marvin!
Mrs Laburn discovered him in her 
soft toy collection of orangutans!
Marvin thinks it's great to have a little buddy to take care of.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Marvin's Sleepover

Tonight Marvin is having a sleepover at Padme's house. 
Padme thought it would be fun for Marvin to learn some Japanese.
So he was going with her to her Japanese lesson.
Would you like to know more?
Check out what Marvin has been up by 
reading Padme's kidblog post
Click the link below to take you straight to her blog.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Marvin is Learning about Change

The Middle Syndicate's big idea for the year is
Changes to Ourselves and in Our World
This term we are focusing on the changes in our environment - 
life and water cycles
and the changes in our bodies - growing older
Last week we used a venn diagram to brainstorm the things that don't change in the development from a baby to a child and the things that do change.
You can see that we have added our ideas onto silhouettes of a baby and children.

This week we are keeping an eye on the changes in Room 15's caterpillars (because ours died).
Marvin is fascinated by the caterpillars 
and loves getting up close to observe them.
Can you see one even crawled onto his nose!

During SSR Marvin read all about the life cycle of the caterpillar and then shared his learning with his buddies in the reading corner.
Marvin was so excited when he found out that we were learning about the Challenge of Change. He said he fitted right in!
What did he mean by that?
Well, Marvin has had a big change of environment by visiting us all the way from Hastings. 
Room 14 listed some of the changes Marvin has had...
the school
the classroom 
the children and teachers
where he sleeps
the faces
the weather
the school work
We think he has coped extremely well with the changes.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Marvin's Adventures Continue...

Last night Cory and Blake took Marvin out to dinner at 
The Beach House in Bucklands Beach.
Marvin loved the food!
And the play at the beach after dinner!
His favourite thing was to collect shells. 
Can you see them in his hand?

Marvin Meets the People who Work at Point View School

Jobs People do Around Point View School
By William

This morning we brought Marvin to where some teachers and some adults work and when he met them they shook his hand. First we went to the office. We were going to visit Mrs Parr the principal but she was in a meeting so Mrs Tanner our office lady met Marvin. Marvin talked on the telephone. Then he met Tai the Nude Food monkey. Next we went to Mr Rivett. First Marvin cleaned the floor then him and Mr Rivett chopped some wood with an electric saw. After that we went to the library but nobody but Mrs Laburn got a photo. After the library we went to the cafe. Marvin was handing out coffees. After the cafe we went to Mr Rankin. He shook Marvin's hand and then Marvin cut some wood by himself. This time he used a normal saw.

Jobs Around the School
By Robbie

On Tuesday Room 14 went out with Marvin so he could do some jobs. First he did Mrs Tanner's job. He answered the telephones. It was funny because he was doing someone else's work. Next we went down the stairs to Mr Rivett. Marvin looked like he was cutting a piece of wood. Next we went to the library. Marvin looked like he was scanning a book. Next we went to the cafe. Marvin looked like he was making a cup of tea. I was in the photo too. We went to the music room and it was funny when he was playing the piano. Marvin looked like he was cutting wood with a saw with Mr Rankin. Next we went down the steps and we saw Miss Pirie. Miss Pirie is the Middle School Principal. Marvin was doing Miss Pirie's work. Then we went back to class.

Marvin works at Point View School
By Haya

Today we took Marvin for a walk. First we went to Mrs Tanner and then Marvin shook Mrs Tanner's hand. Mrs Tanner works in the office. She even answers the phone and she even does paper work. Then we went to Mr Rivett and Marvin shook Mr Rivett's hand. Mr Rivett fixes stuff for the school. Then we went to Mr Rankin and then Marvin shook Mr Rankin's hand. Mr Rankin does technology but he doesn't do all of the classes all in one time he does it one day for one class.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Marvin's Marvelous Monday

Marvin's day started with the Middle School run... 
Room 14 made sure he had a school hat on to protect him from the morning's hot sun.
 Marvin thought Daniel would like to run with him seeing as today is 
Daniel's 7th Birthday! Happy Birthday Daniel!
Next Marvin said hi to a few of his old blogging buddies from 2012's Kids with a Vew kids.
They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Marvin on the field!
After lunch Room 14 took Marvin for a tour of the school's "Hive"
The "Hive" is where a lot of our Enviro School action happens.

Can you see Marvin ...

in the sandpit
playing the musical instruments
playing with the water wheel
relaxing on the hammock
checking out the worm farm
watering new plants
enjoying the garden art
weeding in the maze
getting lost in the maze
fast asleep!

What exciting things will tomorrow bring?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Marvin's Weekend in Auckland

On Friday night Marvin went to BMX in Papakura 
with Oskar, Alex, Cory and Blake.
I wonder what stories the boys will have to share with us tomorrow?

Oskar's family had a great weekend with Marvin.
They took him on a tour in a Ford Galaxy!
Marvin even got a turn at driving!
They cruised past the Sky Tower, saw the water feature at Wynyard Quarter, watched the draw bridge, relaxed in the giant deck chairs, had fun playing with the talking funnels, cruised past Kelly Tarltons and stopped for gelato!
Doesn't it all look amazing at night time.
Phew! What a great start to your Auckland trip!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Our Class Crayon Box

Kids with a view made their own class crayon box because they loved reading and learning from 
The Crayon Box that Talked book by Shane DeRolf.
They really like the idea of being different and 
working together in Room 14.
The children have also written 
a learning goal on each of their crayons.
It'll be fun working towards accomplishing our goals.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Marvin Arrived Safely!

Exciting times ahead for Kids with a view and Marvin!

What parts of Auckland do you think Marvin should visit?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Measurement Fun

...and using standard unit of measurement.

We even compared our ears, feet and height to animal sizes.
What a fun website! 
Is your ear the size of a gorillas?
Are you the height of a coyote?
What do your feet compare to?

We thought we were very clever because after measuring our heights using metre and centimeter rulers we were able to put ourselves into size order. 
Feel free to use our measurement activity and worksheet.

Pirate Ships

In this unit we explored the size of a metre and developed our own ways to 
estimate a metre length.
We used chalk on the playground to measure and draw our pirate ships. 
Check out the NZmaths website for more details.
Then we pretended we were sailing on the seven seas! 
Ahoy me hearties fare thee well!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Global Read Aloud Day

Today - Wednesday March 6th is 
Global Read Aloud Day.
It's a day to celebrate the importance of 
reading and sharing stories.
Room 15 at Tawa Intermediate in Wellington decided to make a movie of a children's book
for young children to enjoy - they shared it with us.
The book is called "The Big Block of Chocolate" 
by Janet Slater Redhead.
The class broke into pairs. Each pair had to create a scene for each page of the book.
This is their final product.

What is your favourite scene?
Do you think the class should eat the big block of chocolate?
The children were wondering was there anything they could do to 
make a video better next time?
You can visit their work at

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Something Totally Wonderful and Exciting ...

Watch and listen very carefully to the video made by 
our friends from 
Maraekakaho School in Hastings. 
They are Marvin's iKids in Room 2 and...
they have a very, very special message for us. 

Check out Miss Revell's and Marvin's iKids blog

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bruno Mars & Sesame Street - Don't Give Up

Another one of our favourite clips teaching 
us about persistence.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weetbix Kiwi kids Tryathlon

Robbie had a great time participating in the Weetbix Kiwi Kids Tryathlon.
He's very proud of his medal.
Well done Robbie - we love your can do attitude.