
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hall of Fame - NZ BMX Nationals

Alex competed at the NZ BMX National Champions at Cambridge over the Easter weekend
and was placed 11th in New Zealand in the seven year old boys grade.
He will now be representing New Zealand in the 2013 World BMX Championships at Vector Arena Auckland from 25 July - 28 July.
This was a fantastic effort Alex we are so proud of you!
Congratulations and we wish you all the best for the World Champions.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Creating Comics -

Today we used Arthur's Comic Creator on website to share our learning about the frog life cycle.
We think Cory's comic is awesome!
Here is the link to

Check out all our comics on our kidblogs

Dont be afraid to leave a comment for us :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cyber Safety - YAPPY

We are always reminding each other about cyber safety. 
Cyber safety is something that we must think about every time we use 
our e-Learning tools.

On Wednesday Room 14 learnt cyber safety. We watched a youtube video of Professor G. We learnt a new cyber safety word called YAPPY. Y is for you don't give your full name out. A is for don't give out your address don't tell a stranger. P is for do not write your phone number on the computer. P is for do not tell anyone your password. Y is for do not tell a stranger your plans. That is what YAPPY means.
By Robbie

Today I learnt not to click on something like you can have a free toy and if you do click it you might just get more and more messages and it could make the computer get a virus and it could get rid of lots of stuff on your computer.  I also learnt about YAPPY and YAPPY stands for Your name, Address, Phone Number, Passwords, and Your Plans. Don't use these on the internet. When someone sends a bad or silly message or email press exit and tell a parent or grown up. If you are on google and you find a bad thing or a bad picture exit out and tell a parent or a grown up. Be a cyber safety star!
By Daniel

Friday, April 5, 2013

Saving the Kiwi - Supporting Moehau Environment Group

Here are we are making our rat traps to help save the Coromandel Brown Kiwi.
We measured our wood, we sawed, drilled and used the glue gun.
We all wore special goggles, face masks and our running shoes for our protection.
You can find out more about saving the kiwi by clicking the following link