
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let the Games Begin - Olympic Cauldron

Here it is....
Finally after all of the anticipation you can watch how the Olympic cauldron was lit today at the 
2012 London Olympic Games opening ceremony.

It was spectacular and certainly didn't disappoint anyone!
Seven teenagers, each nominated by UK Olympic champions
each lit a tiny flame, which ignited the 205 copper petals. 
Each petal represents a competing nation.
The petals then rose up on stems to form the cauldron.
The cauldron symbolises peace and unity.

Did you see David Beckham on the speedboat 
with the flame? He was travelling along the Thames river.

What are your thoughts about the lighting of the cauldron?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We miss you Trinity

This term we have a class member missing :(
Trinity and her family moved to Australia in the holidays.
We hope you have settled in to your new life in Australia.
We miss you Trinity - keep in touch. 
We hope you will leave us a comment soon.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Orangutans Learn to Use iPads

Wow! Check this out.

What do you think about this?
Leave us a comment please.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Animal Pattern Art - Camouflage and Mimicry


Last term we learnt how animal patterns help animals survive.
We also visited the Auckland Zoo to see animals in their habitats.
Lots of the animals were camouflaged or used mimicry in their environments.
Check out this slideshow we found online.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Our Top Educational iPad Apps

Here is a selection of our top EDUCATIONAL APPS that we use in our classroom.
Not all of them are free but if it is listed here then it is definitely worth paying for.
I haven't listed many Maths and Literacy apps on this page as these will vary from class to class, year level, teacher choice and learning intentions to be focussed on.  

Please leave us a comment letting us know what your favourite learning apps are. 

What apps do you find educational in your classroom?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Literacy Shed - Check it out!

Wow, look at this. 
We have been listed on The Literacy Shed website!
Be sure to check out their wonderful resources.
The Literacy Shed offers ideas for teachers using visual resources such as film, animation, photographs and pictures.

iPads in the Classroom

Here is a very small snapshot of the children using iPads in the classroom. Some of the apps used are Sock Puppet, Fotobabble, Photochop, PuppetPals, WilderQuest, Camera and DoodleBuddy.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

ShowMe - iPad

ShowMe is an open learning community where you can learn or teach any subject. Watch great lessons for free, or create your own.

Watch Aum's lesson he created using the ShowMe app. He is explaining how to 
subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

London 2012 Macots - Make your own Mascot

Check out this fun website - introducing Wenlock and Mandeville the 
2012 London Olympic Games Mascots.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wonky Donkey Video - Holiday Fun

Did you enjoy the Wonky Donkey video?
Let us know what your favourite part of the video is.