
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Getting Excited about Christmas!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Omana Beach

Stories to be loaded on shortly :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cross Country - Juniors

On the 9th November the Juniors held their cross country races.
All the children ran with determination to succeed.

Congratulations to the following children in Room 3
Kairyn - 1st place Year 2 Boys
Robbie - 4th place Year 2 Boys
Sienna - 3rd place Year 2 Girls
Neeve 4th place Year 2 Girls

kairyn's mum was so proud!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Telling the Time - Authentically

After learning to tell the time Room 3 noticed a large clock on the 
Junior courtyard.
"Mrs Laburn, it has no hands!"
"Well, we can fix that!"
Four children acted as the big hand and 
three children acted as the little hand.
Watch what we do as someone calls out the time.

Have you learnt how to tell the time?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Edublog Awards 2012

Edublogs Nomination Time!

This has to be one of the greatest reflection blogs 
that I have come across.
Skillfully written and so easy to read.
Each post leaves you with something to think about.
Kimberley Rivett is a Year 3/4 teacher and leader in 21st century teaching and eLearning.
So here's my nomination for BEST TEACHER BLOG

If you would also like to nominate Kimberley's teacher blog
 'eLearning for Life'
Here's the link...
Keep an eye out for voting opportunities.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Safety & Awareness Tips for Children

Bradie's mum sent us this information on
how to protect ourselves from stranger danger.
Children, show your parents and discuss the list with them.
It is really important that we know ways to 
keep ourselves safe!

Friday, November 16, 2012

iCAN Count Money New Zealand - iPad app

This is a great game to play (we call them learning activities) 
to consolidate using money and yay it's a New Zealand game!
Only NZ$1.29

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to make a Green Screen

How to Green Screen by Nicolas

Step 1.     First you need to find a background and 
put it in keynote.
Step 2.     You get in your position and get a picture or you and 
put it where you want. 
You should be in front of the green sheet.
Step 3.     Then put your photo on keynote and click on Alpha and it will cut the green color out. 
If you make a mistake you can 
press command z and it will undo it.
Step 4.     Put the photo of you on the background.
 If you are behind the background photo 
use arrange to bring it to the front.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Playing Road Patrols - Road Safety

Aryaan and George are playing road patrols. 
They are teaching Maia, Kevin, Gina and Alvin 
how to cross the road safely.
Can you see how they look both ways for traffic 
before they put the signs out?
And check again before they let the children cross the road.
Maia, Kevin, Gina and Alvin don't run across the road they walk.
Notice how they don't talk to the patrols. 
They don't want to distract them from checking the road for traffic.
Great job Aryaan and George - you are excellent patrols!

Keeping Safe
Road safety is a thing that you should learn if you want to keep safe and have a healthy life. Here are the things that you should do if you want to keep safe  and have a healthy life. Never talk to strangers  because they might be dangerous. You should not play on the road because you might get run over by a car. Watch out for sneaky drive ways. If there is a pedestrian crossing around use it because it's safer to use. Wear a helmet when you ride your  bike, scooter, or skate board so you don't crack your head open if you fall on the concrete. You should always go to the park with an adult because you might get stolen by a stranger.  BY ASHIRA  
Keeping Safe
Road Safety helps you. These are some of the things you need to do.
1.  Never run on the road because when you are dead you are dead.
2. Never talk to strangers because they can hurt you.
3. Watch out for sneaky driveways because a car could be backing out of their driveway.
4. If there is a pedestrian crossing close cross there because otherwise you could get hit by a car.
5. Wear a helmet when you're riding a bike because if you fall off you can get brain damage.
6. Play in your backyard because it is safer.
7. When you go to the park you need a parent to supervise you because somebody could take you.
8. Don't worry about a ball that goes on the road. Don't run on the road to get it.
Those are some things how to keep safe.
By Sienna

Friday, November 9, 2012

Free Morgan the Orca

On the 1st of November our whole school dressed in black and white to support
the campaign for the release of Morgan the orca.
You can keep up to date with this campaign by clicking 
on the photo of Morgan below. 
Miss Norton a teacher at our school and Ingrid Visser 
scientist, researcher and founder of the Orca Research Trust are great friends
who are passionate about orca. 

This is a photo of the Junior school - what great supporters!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I love my Grandparents because....

Our Annual Grandparents Day 
On Friday the 2nd of November Point View School had our very own annual Grandparents Day and in the morning, we skyped Robbie’s Grandparents and we skyped them from New Zealand all the way to Scotland. It takes 24 hours to get there! Robbie went to Room 4 and got his sister Jade and then his mum came and got some questions to ask their Grandparents. One of the questions were – What was your school like? So we got an answer and we moved on and we had morning tea and after that our Grandparents came and we had morning tea with our Grandparents and I went with Joshua he had two Grannys and two Poppas. Next Josh and I showed them around and we talked about what their school was like when they were at school. They brought some photos and then one Granny was saying she had hair like mine and then her teacher smacked her on the head and it was bleeding! Next we did a Jump Jam exercise for them and we did Folk dancing and the Grandparents joined in! After that we did some math games and Anya, Tiffanny, Zana, Alex and me did a fraction pizza game and I won! Next we played a different game. You play it like you have some cards and there is a sum and a question and you have to tell what you think the answer is and put it in and look at the answer. Then we had lunch and we had delicious lunch. After lunch we had a Grandparents day assembly.
By Gina

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Firework Safety - 5 November

Enjoy your Fireworks but parents 
please take note of the advice from
the New Zealand Fire Service

Fireworks websites for kids

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Coming to you soon! Dick Whittington

Coming soon to a blog near you!
Are you excited? 
Finally, here's the trailer for our play Dick Whittington. 
The full play version will be posted shortly. 

Two of our reading groups - the Pirate Flags and Pirate Treasures practised and practised 
 learning their lines and perfecting their actions 
ready to present their wonderful play.

Do you know the story of Dick Whittington?

This version of Dick Whittington was 
retold by Annette Smith and Illustrated by Elise Fowler