
Meet Room 14

Room 14 is a Year 3 e-learning class in the Middle School Syndicate at Point View School. 

We have created this blog to share our learning.
We hope you enjoy it because we are having a lot of fun posting some of the

 special things we get up to at school. 
Please feel free to make comments and sign our guestbook.
Come back and visit us soon as our blog is updated regularly.
If you have a facebook account you could click on the link and 'like' our updates page to receive regular updates.

Room 14 
2014 Boys Class
Knights of the Realm

Room 3 2011 and 2012

Room 3 2010


  1. Wow!!! You all look so incredible! Room 3 has the most amazing, interesting blog I have ever seen. Keep it up and look forward to seeing more from you all. You all look adorable :-) From Steven's Mum.

  2. Judy Parr25 May, 2011

    I have had such fun tonight catching up on your wiki Room 3. There is so much learning happening on your wiki and in your classroom spaces. I particularly enjoyed seeing photos of your autumn walk. You are all true PVS learning champions!

  3. Good job room 3!! This blog looks so fun and interesting. It is so great that you all are learning so much and you have nice pictures. Keep up the good work, I really enjoyed it!!

  4. Cousin Susan Parr02 November, 2011

    Hi Room 3 and especially to Neeve,
    What a great blog you have. It was lovely seeing the photographs of you all having a maths lesson. Keep up with the good work and I will look forward to seeing more photographs.
    from Cousin Susan Parr in Reading,UK

  5. Hi Susan Thank you for posting a commenet on our blog. Did you like our blog. Because there is lots of things that you can see on our blog. Because you might find it interesting by Neeve.

  6. Hi my name is Robbie and I'm new to room 3. I feel good about being in room 3 and I'm looking forward writing tommorrow.

  7. Kandy said.....

    wow this is amazing great job room 3!!!

  8. wow amazing great job room 3

  9. what kind of math do you do? Do you have a pet in your classroom, if you do whats it's name?

  10. Hello! Your classroom blog is amazing! You're a real inspiration for students who love to learn. If you're looking for some new and creative craft ideas, check out Roylco's new blog! We update every Friday with new craft ideas. If you see something you like, please try it out and send us photos of your work to We'd love to hear from you! Good luck on your classroom adventures!
