Friday, September 30, 2011

Room 3's Movie - Out and about around our school

Room 3 decided to make a video for our Quadblogging friends.
It is a wonderful tour around our school.
We used the ipods to video each other.

We had to make sure we didn't put our finger over the view finder and
we had to make sure we kept the ipod as still as we could and
we had to make sure when we filmed moving around that we didn't
move the ipod too fast.
We also had to think carefully about what we would say to make it interesting
for others to listen to.

What do you think about our first video made by us?


Learning Together said...

I can't wait for the Preps to come back from holidays so I can show them your video. So well done particularly as it was your first time!
What a wonderful school you have. You have inspired me to have the Preps videoing and making films about our learning. Thank you.
Congratulations Room 3!
From Mrs Kennedy

Learning Together said...

I can't wait for the Preps to come back from holidays so I can show them your video. So well done particularly as it was your first time!
What a wonderful school you have. You have inspired me to have the Preps videoing and making films about our learning. Thank you.
Congratulations Room 3!
From Mrs Kennedy

Lavesh said...

Love the video, kids. Very Well Done.

Aum said...

we did a really good job it took along time to make it. A couple of people didn't do filming. Lots of people did the talking it took about 3 days to finished it

savik said...

hi guys nice movie i would love to see more.


Ishwar said...

you guys were cool!

swannic said...

What a great video! I loved looking at your school. It is very colourful and full of beautiful work. Thanks for showing me your 'secret garden'. I know my Preps will be very impressed when they see your great work. We have already looked at your school on Google Earth and Google Street View but your video was much better! Well done Room 3. Your video is fantastic!
from Mrs Swann

rmannell said...

Hello Room 3,

Your video is very interesting. I can see how much work you've done in class and your support for the All Blacks team. I know your quadblogging buddies would enjoy your video.

Ross Mannell (teacher)
NSW, Australia

Kids with a view said...

Thanks Mr Mannell
Thanks for your comment.
Yes the RWC has provided some very purposeful learning as has quadblogging! We have had a very busy but productive term!
Thanks for coming back to visit us!
Room 3

Kids with a view said...

Thanks Aum
Yes I think you all did an exceptional good job making the movie especially as Mrs Laburn wasn't with most of you when you were doing your filming! It was great independent, cooperative and collaborative work wasn't it!
Keep up the good work with your commenting.
Mrs Laburn

Kids with a view said...

Thanks for your comments
Lavesh, Savik and Ishwar. We are very proud of our first independent movie. Next step green screening!
Mrs Laburn

Orlando said...

I like it because it looks cool.

Anonymous said...

I liked the movie because it has some of my friends in it, Zana

Unknown said...

I think your video is wonderful. Thank you for sharing! What was the hardest part of making the video?
You have made me realize that my students could video as well. They are on fall break right now so I am commenting without them.

Mrs Molly and Will said...

Molly says "Hello, we liked your movie and your school very much. You have lots more kids than we do at St Luke's!"
Will says "I liked the way you all spoke clearly and smoothly. We've practiced that too!"
Mrs Molly and Will says "I like that you are "Learning Together" too! All across the world we are all learning"

Welcome said...

Wow what a fantastic video. We really enjoyed learning about your school. We are going to make a video of our school to share with you all. Well done! We think your blog is amazing!

Mallika said...

Dear Mrs Labren I hope you have a Nice holiday. By Mallika.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great video about your school. I am going to show my fourth graders (year) the video in school tomorrow. I want them to figure out where your school is located. We are a school in Edina, Minnesota, USA. I hope my class can make a video like this to show the world.

You can visit our classroom blog at

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone we are on holiday at the moment but some of us will try and reply to your comments.

Kids with a view said...

Hi Mr E and Fourth Graders
Thank you for your comment on our blog post.

The children had a lot of fun making their movie especially as they went off to different parts of the school in pairs with and ipod and filmed and recorded by themselves. I think they did a fabulous job for 5 and 6 year olds. They learnt a lot about using an ipod correctly when filming by making their own mistakes and correcting them. They realised that if they didn't speak loud enough or clearly no body could hear them so they wanted to head off and film again to improve on their first attempts.

Your class has written some great explanation reports about your school.
It must get really cold in winter time if you get icicles on the buildings.

We conference and publish our writing too just like you! We have 7 laptops and 5 older computers in our classroom and we share the ipod and ipads with 5 other classes.

We have something similar to your spacers - in our library we call them browser cards because when we have finished reading a book we will know where to put it back in the right place.

Thank you for sharing your writing and photos about your school. We hope to visit you soon and discover more about your learning.

From Mrs Laburn

Learning Together said...

Hello Room 3,
Do you have a mascot in your classroom? We have Wattle and Wally they are wombats.
From Aerodyne

Learning Together said...

Hello Room 3,
What do you do at your school? Do you play footy?
From Oscar

Raman said...

What a great video! I really enjoyed the way you were presenting all the different aspects of your school from Room 3's point of view. It's a great way to show your quad blogging friends what the school life is like at Point View.
Keep up the great work kids!

Kids with a view said...

Hi Ramon
Thanks for supporting Room 3 children with your wonderful comment. It's great to see parents responding by commenting on the children's learning.

Anonymous said...

Your school is a fancy school!


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