We are always reminding each other about cyber safety.
Cyber safety is something that we must think about every time we use
our e-Learning tools. On Wednesday Room 14 learnt cyber safety. We watched a youtube video of Professor G. We learnt a new cyber safety word called YAPPY. Y is for you don't give your full name out. A is for don't give out your address don't tell a stranger. P is for do not write your phone number on the computer. P is for do not tell anyone your password. Y is for do not tell a stranger your plans. That is what YAPPY means. By Robbie
Today I learnt not to click on something like you can have a free toy and if you do click it you might just get more and more messages and it could make the computer get a virus and it could get rid of lots of stuff on your computer. I also learnt about YAPPY and YAPPY stands for Your name, Address, Phone Number, Passwords, and Your Plans. Don't use these on the internet. When someone sends a bad or silly message or email press exit and tell a parent or grown up. If you are on google and you find a bad thing or a bad picture exit out and tell a parent or a grown up. Be a cyber safety star! By Daniel