Before we started drawing our pirates we practised how to draw faces based on Stu Duval’s drawings.
We also learnt how to use our hands to measure the size of our heads.

Then we were ready to go.
We got a buddy to trace around our hands and feet and then we added our heads, faces and a simple body.
Next we added all our pirate details.
And finally we created our pirate names.
Which is your favourite pirate?
Hello Kids with a View,
Your pictures are indeed quite clever. I like the way they are displayed in the frame and with the little bit of motion and the swords crossing across the pictures, it looks like the pirates are falling. Great expressions on the pirates' faces!
I have one student in particular, who will adore looking at this slide show. Keep up the great work!
Ms Clayton
Hi Kids with a View
I really like the way you have used block colour backgrounds to make the details on your pirates stand out clearly - it's very effective!
Why did you choose to draw pirates?
Mrs M, UK
Hi Mrs Clayton
Thanks for visiting our blog and leaving us a comment.
I have just visited your wonderful blog and have left you and your class a comment.
We look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Mrs Laburn and Kids with a view
Hi! Room 3,
We really liked looking at your fantastic pirate paintings. It was great that you gave us some tips on how you did them too.
We think you are very clever to paint like this.
From Room 4
Hamilton East School
Ahoy there Kids with a View!
Your pirates are sensational! You
have all been very careful to add lots of details and used bright colours. What was the trickiest part about creating your pirate artwork?
We couldn't pick a favourite because they all had different features that made them special. We were wondering if you made up names for them too?
From KD and Ms Dowling
Hi room 3.I like the way Zana shwd us the way to do the pirit facis.From Anya.
Hi Everyone,
WOW - this is outstanding work. All of our class thought that your pirate pictures were amazing.We love the way that you showed us how you developed your skills as well. You have inspired lots of our class to make their own pirate pictures and treasure maps today.
Mrs Thompson and Reception Class
Haworth Primary School
it was so much fun tracing our hand and feet.
I like your border because it is The pirates of the Caribbean. And I know that it is a movie. And i know it is for teenagers. From Jack
HI from Nicolas sister
I love your pirate art.
I love your pirate pictures. It is like watching a movie.
From Caylee
Room 4
Hamilton East School
Ahoy there Kids with a View!
This is Mrs Nelson - this year without her Craigburn Primary Year 1 class. I am spending a year living and teaching in Canada. Unfortunately I can't have a class blog here but I am still looking forward to visiting your blog and seeing your fabulous learning. So far I have just adored your pirate handprints - how awesome! Your pirate paintings are treasures as well. Keep up the great work you are doing. From Mrs Nelson in Calgary, Alberta Canada
PS if you ever want to ask questions about Canada I'd love to try and answer them for you.
We think this is so cool, now we would all like to look at pirates. Kereru class loves the header for your blog. The pirate hands were very clever, so easy but so effective.
Kereru Class
I likeed looking at pictures.
Hi Room 3,
I showed my Year 2 classroom your wonderful pictures of pirates. They would really like to make some too.
We had a practice at tracing our hands and feet today - what fun!
We would like to know which bit you found the trickiest, and which bit you found the easiest.
from Miss O'Neill
(Room 10 Wairakei School)
Hi everyone, what a wonderful pictures you have painted, you all did a great job, i love the pirate painting.
Hi Miss O'Neill and Room 10
Thank you for you comment. We love that you like our pirate art idea.
The easiest parts of the pirate art work were....
tracing the hands and feet - Bradie, Robbie, Sienna, George, Neeve, Tiffanny, Gina, Mallika, Joshua
colouring in with the pastels - Jack, Kairyn, Ashira, Anya, Trinity, Aryaan
dyeing the art work - Benny, Neeve, Kevin, Maia, Alex
drawing the faces - Nicco, Nicolas, Jacey
outling was easy - George
The hardest parts were....
Colouring in - Gina, Nicco, Mallika, Aryaan, Kevin, Aum
drawing the faces - Trinity, Alex, Jacey, Maia, Benny
drawing the legs - Neeve, Sienna, Robbie, Joshua, George
working with pastels because they smudge - George, Gina, Sienna, Alex, Neeve, Anya, Kairyn, Jacey, Benny.
We can't wait to see your finished art work.
What are you learning about in your class this year?
From Kids with a view
Hi Room 3 and Mrs Laburn!
I can't believe how talented you are. Your pirates are just amazing.
I can see that you are having a great year so far. My new Preps are just starting the blogging journey. I will make sure that I show them your blog - it is just fantastic.
Have a great day.
From Mrs Kennedy
Great pirates I like the way you put it on the blog Mrs Laburn. I like all the pictures that are on the blog. From Joshua.
Hi room 3 I like your pictures because they look cool. Keep going! room 3, because you are the best!
Wow room 3 your pirate pictures are super cool! my favourite pirate picture is Kiaryn one because he is the captain.
I like the swords when they hit.
Piarate's are fun to look at because non of them are the same not even a little bit. By joshua.
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